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Næringsstofregnskab med jordpuljeændring og tabsposter som beslutningsstøtte (StyrN)

Sold commercially

Develop a nutrient Balance with Soil Pool Changes and Loss Components as Decision Support on 85% of the Danish fields. The balance will be available in SEGES's nutrient management program MarkOnline. Things such as gaseous losses and leaching losses are incorporated.

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Name in original language Næringsstofregnskab med jordpuljeændring og tabsposter som beslutningsstøtte (StyrN)
Name in English Nutrient Balance with Soil Pool Changes and Loss Components as Decision Support
Designer/ manufacturer SEGES Innovation
Accessibility Sold commercially
Countries of primary use Denmark
Main language Danish
Other languages available None
Brief description of the tool

Develop a nutrient Balance with Soil Pool Changes and Loss Components as Decision Support on 85% of the Danish fields. The balance will be available in SEGES's nutrient management program MarkOnline. Things such as gaseous losses and leaching losses are incorporated.

Target user


Target crops Barley, Beans, Maize, Oats, Oilseed rape, Peas, Potatoes, Rye, Wheat
Type of tool Desk/computer based tool
The tool assesses or provides guidance on Benchmarking of fertilization strategies and to optimize nutrient use efficiency

The tool relies on a base recommendation system Yes
Base recommendation system MarkOnline the nutrient management system in Denmark are based on recomandations of nitrogen, so in some way the balances will be an outcome of the recommended application rates
The assessment frequency should be Once per growing season
Required data input is Crop, Farm location, Soil analysis result, Nutrient input, Soil type, all of the above plus eg. use og orginic fertilizers will be an input
The data can be imported from other tools and systems Yes
The tools main output format is Value in tool
Data can be exported Yes